Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Random Questions On Reality.

Just a few of the random questions that run through my head while showering....
  1. If there are multiple realities, when did they begin in reference to a literal Genesis account of Creation? Did they begin before the fall of Adam? If so, then how was Creation "very good"? If they began after, was part of the curse a fractured reality?
  2. If multiple realities exist, then many would say the number of realities that exist are infinite. If that's so, then there must be a reality where Adam didn't sin and the world is still perfect. Was Christ's death, then, a sacrifice necessary to bring all the other realities into coexistence with the perfect reality? Is the end of the world an event where God hand-waves and destroys all imperfect realities and merges the souls that have come to a saving knowledge of Christ with the perfect reality?
  3. If multiple realities exist, could it be possible that we as humans really have no true imagination? Imagination could simply be one person's mind becoming attuned to another reality. Story writers are merely penning the history of another reality. If that's the case, I want to stay in Middle Earth.

And we wonder why I don't fit into most churches....