Monday, December 26, 2005

Mass insanity

Well, I can't think of anything better, so I'll start off with a few personal quotes. Some are spinoffs of quotes I've heard before. All speak from personal experience in some way.

"Time cannot erase the pain of a broken heart. It cannot ease the loneliness of a tattered soul. Grace alone can forgive and restore the broken, and God alone can give comfort to the longing heart."

"If I do not believe my choice of religion is superior to all others, what satisfaction can I derive from an inferior religion?"

"Blind belief is as vain as unbelief. For me to trust my eternal destiny to something I am not sure of is foolish."

"We are called to an intellectual, not a blind faith. Any Christian system of education should stimulate a person to think independently, not within a Theological or doctrinal box, but outside of the box."

"Anyone can act like a religious bigot. It takes an act of God to love the unlovely."

"It is easy and natural to love those who show kindness to you. But to love someone, to choose to love someone, in spite of the suffering he or she may cause you, and despite the fact that they will never love you equally, that's Christ-like love: love of the unlovely."

"If I wanted you to understand what I said, I would've used smaller words."

"Dishonest, sure, but unloyal has never been something I've been justly accused of."

"Clothing, music, art, or literature does not make the man; they are but reflections of the heart or masques of the soul."

"To be unloved is a living death. But to be loved for something you're not is living hell."

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