"It would be misleading not to point out that virtually all cultures around the world who’s societies were built around agriculture had (and many still do have) their own harvest feasts wherein thanks is given to whichever gods are honored in that culture."
Be sure and check out the pdf at the end of the teaser article for the full load on thanksgiving's history, including its catholic origins as well, something the Puritans and Pilgrims would have been aware of in the context of history.
So, again, it's like I've been saying for years; Thanksgiving is no less pagan than Christmas, Halloween, or Easter. If you celebrate any of those holidays "for God," you can stop bad-mouthing the others. Either you accept the Psalmist' s decree that, "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof," and that nothing is "pagan" in origin because as Creator He has first ownership, or you passively reject it through your deeds.