Almost half a decade ago, I picked up a Dungeon Master's Guide. At first, it was "just this once," for a friend who's busy life wouldn't let him attend my Dungeons and Dragons group's regular sessions. I had a simple quest planned out, gathered a couple extra players, and drove out to my friend's house in Easley for my first ever D&D session as the Dungeon Master.
I had a blast, and story ideas blossomed. Little did I realize that the tiny story seed I'd just planted that night would blossom into a five year long campaign that not only traversed the entire continent, but would break into epic levels.
At the time, I didn't think being a DM would become a passion. It was just something I was doing for Ryan Wagner because I wanted to help a friend try out D&D. But the story wouldn't end.
Many people would come and go as PC's and one-shot cameo NPC's over the next few years, too many for me to name them all, but it all started on the road to Elversult.
Now, it's time to tie up the loose ends and take a bow; at least for this Dungeon Master. That's some bitter-sweet Kool-Aid, but no worries, I'm not killing everyone. (Or at least, I don't plan on it....)
We've come a long way from a party of rag-tag level one's. We've robbed a Thayan Enclave,and lived to tell about it; vanquished vampires in ways that would make a Paladin cheer; violated dragons while cackling maniacally at our own good fortune with the dice while the DM smiles and nods at the level of chaotic creativity; we've learned about the real business end of a Tarrasque; and we have fought alongside angels, and stormed the gates of hell. We've gained power, wealth, infamy, titles, and changed the course of history for all of Toril forever.
I look forward to these last few sessions, and I hope you will as well.
It's been epic.